The high-quality 2c rapid foam for fast and secure fixation with optimized activation system

2c premium rapid foam 2K PU 400 B2

The fischer 2-component rapid foam 2K PU 400 is ideal for the installation of door frames, the filling and insulating of cavities in walls and ceilings, and for foaming in windows, bath tubs and showers. The humidity-independent system guarantees a controlled foaming, thus ensuring a safe and fast curing without repressing. The extremely uniform and fine-pore foam structure provides high strength values and offers a maximum of functionality. The rapid installation foam with its unique pull activation offers the best possible feeding of the hardening components. After mixing, the foam must be used within five minutes, and is sufficient for up to three door frames with six installation points each. Protective gloves for end users are included.
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Max. foam yield (EN 17333-1)
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