The plug for standard scaffold anchoring in concrete and solid brick.

Plug S 14 ROE

The fischer plug S 14 ROE is a high-quality nylon expansion plug for the seating of the fischer standard scaffold anchoring GS 12. The optimum interaction of the plug and scaffold anchoring as well as the anchorage depth of 70 mm ensure added safety. The S 14 ROE is the top choice for fixings in concrete and solid brick. The expansion wings prevent undesired turning when the scaffold anchoring is screwed in, which makes installation easier. When the standard scaffold anchoring is screwed in, the plug expands in two directions to provide secure anchorage in the building material. The plug can be turned so that the expansion forces are introduced into the building material in a targeted manner and parallel to the building material edge. This means that fixations close to the edge are also possible.
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Drill diameter
Min. drill hole depth for through fixings
Effect. anchorage depth
Anchor length
Max. thickness of non-bearing layer
Min. bolt penetration
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